

- CEO oa AMD le balekane, ho kenyeletsoa Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, Magic Leap, le theknoloji ea Intuitive Surgical Showcase AMD e ntšetsang pele AI, mosebetsi o nyalisitsoeng, lipapali, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, sefofane le khomphutha e tsitsitseng -
- E hlahisa li-CPU tse ncha tsa mobile le li-GPU, ho kenyelletsa le X86 PC CPU ea pele e nang le enjine e inehetseng ea AI le CPU e ncha ea 3D ea multilayer desktop e nang le ts'ebetso e ntle ea papali, le ponelopele ea li-accelerator tsa AI le li-APU bakeng sa litsi tsa data -
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 4, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Kajeno ho CES 2023, Dr. Lisa Su, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) Molula-setulo le CEO, ts'ebetso e phahameng e hlakileng le karolo ea bohlokoa eo k'homphieutha e sebetsang e e bapalang ho haha ​​​​tharollo. hobane litlhoko tse boima ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ke mosebetsi oa bohlokoa. Puong ea hae e ntseng e tsoela pele, Dr. Su o bontšitse moloko o latelang oa AMD oa lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao tse hlalosang bocha mebaraka e pharalletseng eo AMD e e sebeletsang kajeno.
"Ke motlotlo ho bula CES 2023 le ho bonts'a mekhoa eohle eo AMD e hatelang pele lefats'e la ts'ebetso e phahameng le komporo e ikamahanyang le maemo ho thusa ho rarolla mathata a maholohali a lefats'e," ho boletse Dr. Su. "Mmoho le balekane ba rona, re totobatsa kamoo theknoloji ea AMD e matlafatsang AI, mosebetsi o nyalisitsoeng, lipapali, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, sefofane le khomphutha e tsitsitseng. Re boetse re hlahisitse li-mobile, lipapali le li-chips tse bohlale tse tla etsa hore 2023 e be selemo se monate. selemo bakeng sa AMD le indasteri. ”
Mabapi le AMD Ka lilemo tse fetang 50, AMD esale e ntse e ntlafatsa ho HPC, Grafiken, le mahlale a pono. Batho ba libilione lefatšeng ka bophara, ba etellang pele lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 500, le litsi tsa thuto tse tsoetseng pele li itšetlehile ka theknoloji ea AMD letsatsi le leng le le leng ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba bona, mosebetsi le boithabiso. Ho AMD, re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho aheng lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele, tse sebetsang hantle, tse feto-fetohang tse sutumetsang meeli ea se ka khonehang. Ho fumana leseli le eketsehileng mabapi le hore na AMD e thusa joang kajeno le ho khothatsa hosane, etela webosaete ea AMD (NASDAQ: AMD), blog, LinkedIn le maqephe a Twitter.
Tlhokomeliso Phatlalatso ena ea boralitaba e na le liphatlalatso tse lebeletsoeng pele mabapi le Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD), joalo ka lihlahisoa le mahlale a AMD, ho kenyeletsoa li-processor tsa AMD Ryzen™ 7040 series, AMD Ryzen AI processors, AMD Ryzen 7045 HX series processors, AMD Ryzen. 9 7945 HX processor, AMD Radeon RX 7000 series processor, AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT processor, Ryzen 7 5800X3D processor, AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor, AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D processors, AMDX 7 ea AMD07 inference accelerator , AMD Instinct MI300 processor, le nako le palo ea bareki ba nakong e tlang e qalisoa ka 2023 ho latela lipehelo tse bolokehileng tsa boema-kepe tsa Private Securities Litigation Reform Act ea 1995. "o lebelletse", "ba nahanang", "meralo", "o ikemiselitse", “merero” le mantsoe a mang a moelelo o tshoanang. Batseteli ba lokela ho hlokomela hore liphatlalatso tse lebelletsoeng pele tokollong ena ea boralitaba li ipapisitse le litumelo tsa hajoale, menahano le litebello, tse entsoeng feela ho tloha ka letsatsi la tlaleho ena, 'me li tlas'a likotsi le ho hloka botsitso tse ka etsang hore liphetho tsa nnete li fapane le tsa hajoale. litebello. Lipolelo tse joalo li ipapisitse le likotsi tse itseng tse tsejoang le tse sa tsejoeng, tseo bongata ba tsona li sa tsoeng taolong ea AMD, tse ka bakang hore sephetho sa 'nete le liketsahalo tse ling tsa kamoso li fapane le tse boletsoeng, tse boletsoeng kapa tse boletsoeng esale pele liphatlalatsong. Tsoela Pele Ho sheba litaba le polelo. Lintlha tse bonahalang tse ka etsang hore liphetho tsa sebele li fapane le litebello tsa hona joale li kenyelletsa, empa ha li felle feela ho: Boemo bo ka sehloohong ba Intel Corporation 'marakeng oa microprocessor le mekhoa ea eona ea khoebo e mabifi; ho se tsitse ha moruo lefatšeng ka bophara; cyclicality ea indasteri ea semiconductor; maemo a mmaraka indastering eo lihlahisoa tsa AMD li rekisoang ho tsona; tahlehelo ea bareki ba bohlokoa; phello ea phello ea seoa sa COVID-19 khoebong ea AMD, boemo ba lichelete le liphetho tsa ts'ebetso; limmaraka tsa tlholisano moo lihlahisoa tsa AMD li rekisoang; mekhoa ea thekiso ea kotara le ea selemo; tšireletso e nepahetseng ke AMD ea theknoloji ea eona kapa thepa e 'ngoe ea mahlale; ho feto-fetoha ha sekhahla sa phapanyetsano ho sa thabiseng. • Bokhoni ba batho ba boraro ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa AMD ka bongata bo lekaneng le ka mahlale a tlholisano ka nako • Ho fumaneha ha lisebelisoa tse kholo, lisebelisoa, li-substrates, kapa mekhoa ea tlhahiso • Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho fana ka lihlahisoa ka nako e nepahetseng le maemo a lebelletsoeng a ts'ebetso. tshebetso; Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho hlahisa chelete ho tsoa lihlahisoa tsa eona tse tloaelehileng tsa SoC; tlolo ea ts'ireletso e ka bang teng; diketsahalo tse ka bang teng tsa tshireletso, ho kenyeletswa ho kgaoha ha IT, tahlehelo ya data, tlolo ya data le tlhaselo ya cyber; mathata a ka bang teng ka ho nchafatsa le ho qala sistimi e ncha ea moralo oa lisebelisoa tsa khoebo tsa AMD; Litaba Tse Amanang le Ho Odara le ho Romela Lihlahisoa tsa AMD AMD e itšetlehile ka thepa ea bohlale ea motho oa boraro ho hlahisa le ho lokolla lihlahisoa tse ncha ka nako; AMD e itšetleha ka batho ba boraro ho rala, ho etsa le ho fana ka liboto tsa bo-mme, software le likarolo tse ling tsa sethala sa khomphutha; AMD e itšetlehile ka tšehetso ea Microsoft le lik'hamphani tse ling. bafani ba mananeo a ho rala le ho nts'etsapele software e sebetsang ho lihlahisoa tsa AMD; Ho itshetleha ha AMD ho baabi ba mekga ya boraro le balekane ba kantle; liphello tsa ho fetola kapa ho sitisa mekhoa ea khoebo ea ka hare ea AMD le mekhoa ea tlhahisoleseding; Ho lumellana ha sehlahisoa sa AMD le litekanyetso tse ling kapa tsohle tsa indasteri. software le hardware; litšenyehelo tse amanang le lihlahisoa tse nang le bokooa; AMD e sebetsang hantle ea ketane ea phepelo; Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho itšetleha ka mesebetsi ea mekhatlo ea boraro ea phepelo ea thepa; Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho laola ka nepo thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa eona 'marakeng o moputsoa; phello ea liketso le melaoana ea mmuso, joalo ka melao ea tsamaiso ea kantle ho naha, litefiso, bokhoni ba AMD ba ho hlokomela thepa ea eona ea lekhetho e chechisitsoeng morao, mekoloto e ka bang teng ea lekhetho, likopo le linyeoe tsa hajoale le tsa nako e tlang, molao oa tikoloho, melaoana ea likhohlano ea liminerale, le phello ea melao e meng kapa melawana, phumantsho, dikgwebo tse kopanetsweng le/kapa kgahlamelo ya matsete, ho kenyeletswa ho fumanwa ha Xilinx le Pensando, kgwebong ya AMD le bokgoni ba AMD ba ho kopanya kgwebo e fumanweng; phello ea ho senyeha ha thepa ea k'hamphani e kopantsoeng ka boemo ba lichelete le liphello tsa ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani e kopanetsoeng; tumellano e laolang Lintlha tsa AMD, tiisetso ea Lintlha tsa Xilinx le lithibelo tse behiloeng ke Setsi sa Mokoloto se Fetolang; mokoloto oa AMD; Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho hlahisa chelete e lekaneng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa eona tsa lichelete kapa ho hlahisa chelete e lekaneng le ho tsamaisa chelete ho tšehetsa lipatlisiso leha e le life tse reriloeng le nts'etsopele kapa matsete a maano; likotsi tsa lipolotiki, tsa molao, moruo le likoluoa ​​tsa tlhaho; ho senyeha ha bokamoso ba kamohelo le ho nkuoa ha lilaesense tsa theknoloji; Bokhoni ba AMD ba ho hohela le ho boloka talenta e tšoanelehang; ho feto-fetoha ha theko ea kabelo ea AMD; le maemo a dipolotiki a lefatshe. Batseteli ba khothaletsoa ka matla ho lekola ka botlalo likotsi le ho hloka botsitso ho fupereng lifaele tsa AMD le US Securities and Exchange Commission, ho kenyeletsoa, ​​​​empa ho sa felle feela, liforomo tsa morao-rao tsa AMD 10-K le 10-Q.
© 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Litokelo tsohle li sirelelitsoe. AMD, letšoao la AMD Arrow, Ryzen, Radeon, RDNA, V-Cache, Alevo, Instinct, CDNA, Vitis, Versal, 'me metsoako ea eona ke matšoao a khoebo a Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Mabitso a mang a sehlahisoa a sebelisitsoeng mona ke a sepheo sa boitsebahatso feela. e ka ba matšoao a khoebo a beng ba ona.

Nako ea poso: Feb-06-2023